The Pastoral Council is a permanent consultative body chosen to represent all parishioners in establishing the priorities of the parish and the strategies for implementing the Church's universal mission of evangelization at the community level.
St Augustine of Canterbury Parish provides catechetical instruction to children of elementary school age. This program is addressed to the whole person, providing meaningful information on the Catholic faith, as well as engaging the children in a personal discovery of God who loves them, and inviting them to embark on the adventure of loving God in return. We use the Faith First catechetical program, which integrates sacramental initiation (First Holy Communion, First Confession and Confirmation) in its program.
The music ministry of St Augustine of Canterbury is under the direction of Carolyn Peters. She also accompanies the choir which sings in 4 part harmony at Sunday Eucharist and special feasts. The entirely volunteer choir meets monthly for practices. The repertoire includes mainly well-known English selections of the 19th and 20th centuries, but also include French and Latin selections on occasion.
If you are between 13 and 17 years old, come celebrate scripture in fellowship, song and prayer. The activities, materials and structure are geared to and inspired by its members. The youth group also prepares and leads the second Sunday mass of every month from October to June. The Youth Group meets on the second Friday once a month.
Catechism takes place during the first 30 minutes of Sunday mass. While it is open to all, its target audience is children 3-12 years old. The weekly activities revolve along the gospel of the week. In addition, there are special activities during the Advent and Lenten seasons. The catechism is animated by a group of volunteer parents.